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The first cryogenic valve working condition simulation equipments starting up

The first cryogenic valve working condition simulation equipments starting up

Author : June Date : 6/25/2018 10:57:45 PM

The project lasts more than half a year of research and development, disruptive to realize the real state of cryogenic valves test, simulation analysis of the current can be accurately in the working condition of LNG cryogenic valves the phenomena of stem freezes or coagulate frost, avoid valve installed at the scene of the working condition of medium leakage caused by ice and other serious accident, the project breaks through the technical barriers in the industry at home.
It is understood that the device is the domestic first sets can be real and fully reflect the cryogenic valves working condition of comprehensive performance of the simulation equipment, including valve under the condition of the actual operation condition of sealing performance at low temperature, temperature distribution, operating performance and the influence of pipeline construction condition, the equipment can intuitively show the flow of the medium at low temperature control, through the experiment of cold recycling within, for cryogenic valves in the harsh working conditions relative to the actual verification platform

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